6502 Hardware: Connecting To The SN76489A Programmable Sound Generator
Making The 6502 Sing With A SN76489A PSG
The 6502 Single Board Development System
Building An All-In-One 6502 Development Board
Modular Monitor: Dynamic Dispatch and Code Cleanup
Jumping Through Tables For Your Petty Amusement
Modular Monitor: a Flexible ROM Monitor for the 6502
A Computer’s First Step Towards Self Sufficiency
Modular Monitor: Serial Terminals, Hardware Bugs, and You
Connecting the 6502 to a Serial Terminal Turned Out to be Harder Than Expected. When I designed my minimal 6502 development board, I made plenty of concessions to keep the project feasible. A lot of my grandiose ideas for it turned out to be impractical, but I’m still using it. Why not? It’s still a…
6502 Minimal Development Board
A Minimalist First Step Into Complex 6502 System Design. I’ve had a serious interest in computer hardware since high school. In between attempts to design my own CPU, I also took some interest in the 6502 shortly after finding Veronica. I promptly ordered two R65C02s- and did nothing with them. Keep in mind this was…