6502 Hardware: Connecting To The SN76489A Programmable Sound Generator
Making The 6502 Sing With A SN76489A PSG
Modular Monitor: Porting To The Single Board Development System
Attempting To Quell A Weeks Long Headache With Creative 65C22 VIA Use
The 6502 Single Board Development System
Building An All-In-One 6502 Development Board
Modular Monitor: Dynamic Dispatch and Code Cleanup
Jumping Through Tables For Your Petty Amusement
Modular Monitor: a Flexible ROM Monitor for the 6502
A Computer’s First Step Towards Self Sufficiency
Modular Monitor: Serial Terminals, Hardware Bugs, and You
Connecting the 6502 to a Serial Terminal Turned Out to be Harder Than Expected. When I designed my minimal 6502 development board, I made plenty of concessions to keep the project feasible. A lot of my grandiose ideas for it turned out to be impractical, but I’m still using it. Why not? It’s still a…
6502 Development: NOPerator Debugging Aid
A Very Simple 6502 Accessory That can Catch Very Complex bugs. Debugging is hard. Anyone who programs computers knows how hard it is to get stuff working reliably. Tiny oversights can lead to massive problems, often in ways that aren’t obvious. Patches get churned out on a daily basis. Hardware engineers have it much, much…
6502 Minimal Development Board
A Minimalist First Step Into Complex 6502 System Design. I’ve had a serious interest in computer hardware since high school. In between attempts to design my own CPU, I also took some interest in the 6502 shortly after finding Veronica. I promptly ordered two R65C02s- and did nothing with them. Keep in mind this was…